

Thursday, December 1, 2011

What To Eat While Pregnant

Pregnancy Foods and Positivism: How the Two Make the Perfect Match

Who would have thought that packing each trimester with healthy pregnancy foods and a positive outlook on life would add up to the perfect blend of happy baby brew. The truth is that what you eat during your pregnancy- no matter the trimester- is the literal fuel that is used to make your growing baby.

However, what the body is making physically can be affected by what the mind is thinking and feeling emotionally. There is much debate surrounding the effects of emotions on your fetus, but numerous studies have shown that how you feel, stress levels, happiness, or sadness may affect the temperament of your baby.

Chemical Reaction: How Stress in the Womb Can Affect Pregnancy Nutrition

It may not seem like an obvious connection, but whatever maternal stress you feel while your baby is growing can have some affect on your baby’s development.  This in turn affects your dietary habits.

Just like you wouldn’t want to down a quart of soda, which is chemical laden, you shouldn’t want to pump your body full of cortisol (the stress hormone). If this is your first baby, it is certain that you will have some form of stress. Lets address a couple of common stresses:

1)    Finances
Babies are expensive. They don’t cost much when they get home- if you breastfeed that milk will be free, and if you are lucky enough to have had some baby showers, chances are you may have enough baby clothes to get you through the first few months.

However, the medical expenses from having your baby- even if your insurance is stellar- can still wreck havoc on your accounts. But don’t let the interim affect the ultimate outcome. No worry, even of the financial kind can change the circumstances. So just deal with the bills as they come and enjoy the time you get to spend with your new baby.

2)    Relationships
No matter what type of relationship you are in, a baby will change it. The good news is that your baby will be easy to love, even if there are some difficulties in familial relationships or personal relationships. Try to manage your expectations during this time of change and pour all the positive thought you can into your baby on the way and in putting healthy food in your body.

Want to eat even pregnant, check it out!

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